SL-01 | Damage: 125 +38 damage every 5 seconds Range: -25% |
SL-02 | Damage: 142 +75 damage every 5 seconds Range: -25% |
SL-03 | Damage: 158 +150 damage every 5 seconds Range: -25% |
SLL-01 | Alien Damage: 130 Player Damage: 85 |
SLL-02 | Alien Damage: 145 Player Damage: 90 |
SLL-03 | Alien Damage: 185 Player Damage: 140 |
LF-1 | Damage: 65 |
MP-1 | Alien Damage: 60 Player Damage: 70 |
LF-2 | Damage: 140 |
LF-3 | Damage: 175 Alien Damage: +15% |
LF-4 | Damage: 200 |
Unstable LF-4 | Damage: 128-220 (random damage) |
LF-4 Hyperplasmoid | Damage: 225 +0.5% Hitpoints/per laser |
LF-4 Magmadrill | Damage: 230 +5 PVP damage |
LF-4 Paritydrill | Damage: 230 +5 PVE damage |
Caucasus | Damage: 200 +100 damage every 5 seconds +15% alien damage |
Prometheus | Damage: 210 +200 damage every 5 seconds x3.5 damage Blacklight alien |
Asmodeus | Damage: 205 Becomes stronger the more NPCs are killed (up to 5 alien kills). Fervor Ability – increasing the damage dealt to NPCs. There can be up to a maximum of 5 Fervor stacks.
Asmodeus laser fever effect starts with 20 seconds on the first alien kill. Then 10 seconds for subsequent aliens. If nothing is killed in time, the fever effect returns to Fever level 0 (0% bonus with 1-2 lasers, or 25% bonus with 3+ lasers) |
Odysseus | Damage: 220 Critical Strike Damage: +200% lasers basic damage OS-L Ability – each laser equipped on the ship (only ship) increases the chance for a critical strike. +3% chance with each laser equipped (max 50%) If 3 lasers are equipped, the set bonus is activated (an additional 9% Strike Chance).
AA-1 | Damage: 180 AI Mimesis Damage: 305 |
AAP-1 (P.E.T.) | Damage: 225 AI Mimesis Damage: 525 |
LF-P01 (P.E.T.) | Damage: 280 |
LF-PX01 (P.E.T.) | Damage: 280 Each HEAT Level gives a Damage bonus:
LCB-10 | Damage: x1 |
MCB-25 | Damage: x2 |
MCB-50 | Damage: x3 |
SAB-50 | Capture Shield Energy: x2 |
UCB-100 | Damage: x4 |
RSB-75 | Damage: x6 (slow fire) |
RCB-140 | Damage: x7 |
CBO-100 | Damage: x3 Capture Shield Energy: x1 |
JOB-100 | Alien Damage: x3.5 Player Damage: x2 |
RB-214 | Damage: x4 Damage against Demaners: x8 |
PIB-100 | Damage: x4 Infectiouns Ammunition Effects: Damage: +10%, Hitpoints: -15%, Speed: -10% |
CC-A | Player Damage: x4 Alien Damage: x6.5 |
CC-B | Player Damage: x4 Alien Damage: x5 |
CC-C | Player Damage: x4 Alien Damage: x6.5 |
CC-D | Player Damage: x4 Alien Damage: x6 |
CC-E | Player Damage: x4 Alien Damage: x5 |
CC-F | Player Damage: x4 Alien Damage: x4 |
CC-G | Player Damage: x4 Alien Damage: x5.5 |
CC-H | Player Damage: x4 Alien Damage: x1 |
IDB-125 | Damage: x1-x6 This laser starts out weak at x1 laser damage, but it increases by 1.25 with each successful hit, up to x6 laser damage! If this hasn’t been used for 3 seconds, it resets back to x1 laser damage. |
VB-142 | Damage: x4 Damage against Styxus and Charopos: x7 |
EMMA-20 | Damage: x4 Damage against Mimesis AI: x7 |
SBL-100 | Damage: x4 Damage against Sibelon: x8 |
A-BL | Damage: x4 Damage against Invoke and Mindfire Behemot: x8 |