Ice Meteoroid

Ice meteoroids appear in every map (including Super Ice Meteoroid) excluding the X-1 and X-2 maps and possibly the 4-X excluding 4-4 and 4-5 where Super Ice Meteoroids spawn. Ice meteoroid spawned also in the 11 december 2014 gate. It also spawns in Eternal Blacklight Gate.
Once fired upon, the Ice Meteoroid sends out aliens called Icys, which shoot around 24k per shot in total.

Hitpoints: 1.600.000
  • 1.000.000 Experience Points
  • 5.000 Honor Points
  • 3.000.000
  • 1.800
  • 1.200 Prometium
  • 1.200 Terbium
  • 1.200 Endurium
  • 512 Prometid
  • 512 Duranium
  • 64 Promerium
  • 256 Xenomit
Shield: 1.200.000
Max Damage: 0
Location: X-3 – X-8
(Ice Meteoroid Event)
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