Emperor Kristallon

Hitpoints: 14.080.000
  • 1.536.000 Experience Points
  • 8.192 Honor Points
  • 5.000.000
  • 36.864
  • 2.560 Prometium
  • 2.560 Terbium
  • 2.560 Endurium
  • 1.024 Prometid
  • 1.024 Duranium
  • 128 Promerium
  • 128 Xenomit
Shield: 10.560.000
Max Damage: 60.000
Location: Hades Gate

Emperor Abilities:

Sticky-Bomb – around every 30 seconds it throws a Sticky-Bomb which inflicts 300,000 Damage. If the users are close together, they can split the Damage.

Static Charging – If the users have inflicted around 1,280,000 Damage on the Emperor Kristallon’s HP it starts a shock-wave that polarizes the users’ ships. If a “+” comes near to a “-” they will suffer 20,000 Damage on their HP. At the same time, the Kristallon’s own HP will be healed by 20,000 HP per pilot taking damage. Meaning the maximum is 160,000 health regenerated per second.

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