Sunder Star Gate

The goal of this event is to deplete the shared Sunder Star (world boss) HP together with all other players. After each battle in the gate, the damage that you did on the Sunder Star will be deducted from the overall HP. The damage you do will be counted in a daily ranking as well as in an overall ranking. And you can get rewards based on the daily ranking (most damage on Sunder Star per day) and on the overall ranking (based on top ranking of players that contributed the most damage to the world boss overall throughout the event period).

  • You can enter the rift to the World Boss’s domain via the “Treacherous Domain” gate – the easy version of the boss fight can be entered on X-1 map, the normal version of the boss fight can be entered on X-8 map. When you exit the gate, you’ll be back on X-1 map (easy version) or X-8 map (normal version).
  • Each day, you can enter the gate 5 times. Each time you enter, one attempt will be consumed no matter if you defeated the boss or not. You can mix your attempts between the 2 difficulties, but you only have 5 attempts in total.
  • Once you’ve entered the gate, you’re not able to logout. If you close the Space Map, your ship remains idle in the gate. Upon coming back to the game, you can continue the battle if your ship wasn’t destroyed while you were away.
  • If the server restarts while you’re in the gate, you will be kicked out to the respective X-1 / X-8 map (based on your difficulty). No damage done in the gate will be counted towards the Overworld Health or ranking and your total number of attempts will be the same as before the recent attempt. Also, no rewards will be given for the attempt!
  • The event rewards will be given out depending on how far into the World Boss battle you managed to survive. The rewards will be calculated according to certain grades so that even low-level players who can’t contribute much damage to the boss will be rewarded for participating every day.
  • After the Overworld Health is depleted, the Sunder Star’s difficulty tier will increase, and a new Overworld Health bar will be used. A higher difficulty tier will also result in higher rewards.


0-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-100%
1 20 40 50 100 80 160 100 200
2 22 43 54 108 86 172 108 215
3 23 46 58 116 92 185 116 231
4 25 50 62 124 99 199 124 248
5 27 54 67 134 107 214 134 268
6 29 58 72 144 115 230 144 288
7 31 62 77 154 123 247 154 309
8 33 66 83 166 133 265 166 332
9 36 71 89 178 143 285 178 357
10 38 77 96 192 153 307 192 383
11 41 82 103 206 165 330 206 412
12 44 88 110 220 178 356 222 444
13 48 95 119 238 191 381 238 476
14 51 102 128 256 205 410 256 512
15 55 110 138 275 220 440 275 550
16 59 118 148 296 237 473 296 592
17 64 127 159 318 254 509 318 636
18 68 137 171 342 274 547 342 684
19 74 147 184 368 294 588 368 735
20 79 158 198 395 316 632 395 790
21 85 170 212 425 340 680 425 850
22 91 183 228 457 365 731 457 913
23 98 196 245 491 393 785 491 982
24 106 211 264 528 422 844 528 1.055
25 113 227 284 567 454 908 567 1.135
26 122 244 305 610 488 976 610 1.220
27 131 262 328 656 524 1.049 656 1.311
28 141 282 352 705 564 1.128 705 1.409
29 152 303 379 758 606 1.212 758 1.515
30 163 326 407 814 652 1.303 814 1.629
31 175 350 438 875 700 1.401 875 1.751
50 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?



The gate consists of 4 waves. In the gate on X-1, the Sunder Star has 2x less Hitpoints as on X-8.

WAVE 1 Sunderstar will appear at the top and you at the bottom of the map.
Don’t fly into the red zones with towers, because you will be destroyed immediately, also watch out for mines
Sunderstar shoots a laser that locks on your ship for 3 seconds. When the timer disappears immediately fly your ship next to that spot, then you won’t be hit.
WAVE 2 Simple wave, Sunderstar use only laser. (The waves 2 and 3, occur in random order)
WAVE 3 Sunderstar fires many rockets, You can stand close to the alien, between the range of first rocket and the second rockets. You can repair your ship here by flying into the corner.
WAVE 4 The Sunderstar fires rockets and shoots a laser, so you’ll need to take down the alien quickly.

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